Producing energy and making an income has never been easier and more convenient today. Thanks to state incentives and the payment system proposed by the NS Group (FINBIO) for small plants below 100 Kwe, creating biodigestion systems has become affordable for everyone.
The NS Group wants to encourage the diffusion of Biodigestori, among small and medium breeders.
Biogas production takes place during the anaerobic fermentation of organic substances and its composition is: Methane (CH4) ca. 55% - Carbon dioxide (CO2) approx. 40% - Water vapor approx. 3% - Other Substance ca. 2% . Recent technologies make it possible to recover energy from zootechnical sewage from pig, cattle and sheep farms. This is allowed thanks to the possibility of converting the Biogas deriving from anaerobic fermentation into electrical and thermal energy. The Biogas production mechanism is a biological process by which the organic substance is transformed into Biogas. Those who produce Biogas Electricity are entitled to obtain the state incentive, which is recognized by the National Electricity Network Manager (GSE).
Finenergy imports exclusively for Italy together with Terra Viva, the 100 Kw Model of the German SAUTER BIOGAS, the only one in the world with irrigation technology that increases the yield of the raw material entering the biodigestor by up to 20%, compared to the major competitors in the national territory.
In addition to the turnkey production of BIOGAS @ 100, we provide technical and economic advice during the study phase, post-construction assistance and financing of the works directly by our Group, without the help of banks (payment with FINBIO formula)